Gagnants du concours de communication du congrès CMBEC44
Lauréats du concours d’articles rédigés par des étudiants
1re place : LAIA SHPELLER
Developing a Machine Learning Model for Automated Scoring on the Cube in Cognitive Assessments: A Pilot Study
2e place : DANNIE FU
Wearable technologies for assessing the effects of nature on physiological states
3e place : JOYCE REIMER
Simulation of long QT syndrome 2 and its associated arrhythmia
Gagnant du concours de recherche exceptionnelle
Don Ta
Development of a Cardiac and Respiratory Phantom (CARP) for use in Radiosurgery Dosimetry
Lauréat du prix de la meilleure affiche
Christina Bueckert
Kinematic Asymmetries in the Wrist and Elbow During Axillary Crutch Use